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UnSub Page 5

  Alyx’s expression appeared stoic. “It’s pretty high up, so there’s certainly no escaping your torturous ways even without being tied up.”

  Daniel furrowed his brow. “Alyx, this is all about pleasure. I have no intention of making you suffer anything you won’t enjoy.”

  “I’ll admit it’s not as scary as I thought. You don’t have any whips and canes. That makes me feel a teensy bit better.”

  “No, I’m not into hurting anyone. I fix bodies for a living. I have no interest in doing damage to them. Some women I got involved with early on were into pain, but I didn’t have the stomach for it. I couldn’t even fake it.”

  “Well, that’s reassuring.”

  Her fingers twisted the hem of her tee into a tight knot. She seemed lighthearted enough, but he sensed her underlying anxiety and tried again to reassure her. “Alyx, this is all about giving over your body to your Dom, to show you how many ways you can experience indulgence.”

  “What do you get out of it, if it’s all about me?”

  “I get off on pleasing you. Literally.”

  Was that a smirk? “Sounds rather altruistic to me. Guys are usually more concerned about themselves.”

  “Then, Alyx, you haven’t been with the right men.” A question mark flashed across her face. “But here you are again, overthinking things. If you spend too much time in your head you’ll prevent your body from feeling what it needs. My expectation is that you will give over control. To me. Although I fully understand this could be difficult for someone like you.”

  “I’ll do my best, I swear.”

  “Good girl. I’ve trained many submissives, but this will only work if you trust me to give you what you need, which isn’t necessarily what you may think you want.”

  “I don’t know. Trust is a big word.”

  “That’s an honest response and I appreciate honesty. I will earn your trust.” He stepped toward her and she retreated against the wall. He needed to proceed with caution.

  “All right, let’s get started. First, I want you to walk around the room and touch everything as you go. Ask me any question you want. Then we’ll start with protocol.”

  Her big eyes gazed up at him. “Fine,” she said softly. He gave her a little nudge and she tentatively stepped toward the giant wooden X on the wall to her right.

  Daniel lit the oversized candles scattered around the room then seated himself on the overstuffed chair at the foot of the king-sized bondage bed. He propped his feet up on the ottoman, crossing his arms over his bare chest. This chair was probably the most important piece of equipment in the room, for it was where he administered aftercare—the time he spent with a submissive once she hit subspace, when she’d be disoriented from endorphin overload. Most Doms wouldn’t admit it to anyone other than another Dom, but this was often the most satisfying part of the relationship with a submissive. If one weren’t in the lifestyle and only knew how sordid movies and erotic novels depicted it, true understanding of how important aftercare was would never be gained. It flourished in the space in which a Dom and a sub would talk, really talk, and learn to trust in each other. Trust, the most vital bond between a Dominant and submissive. Without her full faith, he wouldn’t be able to move Alyx forward into nirvana. Daniel swallowed, realizing how little time he had.

  His mouth salivated at the image of his little subbie leaning her chest against the St. Andrews Cross, her hands and feet in place near the arm and ankle restraints. Standing spread eagle, her black bikini barely covering her cute little derriere. She turned around and repeated the pose. With her arms over her head, the hem of her pink tee hiked up to reveal her navel. “I like the way you look there.”

  She actually pursed her lips. “This isn’t so bad. What would you do to me once you had me tied up?”

  Hmm, thought Daniel. Let me count the ways. “It’s the perfect place for a flogging, which I think you’ll find quite thrilling. Most women seem to. And, of course, I could certainly fuck you on it. As you so aptly demonstrated, I can restrain you either forward or backward.”

  Per his instructions, she worked her way around the room’s perimeter, running her hands first over the restraining bench and then the spanking horse. Stopping at the bondage bed, she smoothed a small wrinkle from the silky black satin sheets, then tugged on the foot restraints for durability. Facing the black-lacquered cabinetry, she hesitated a moment, then swung the double doors open in one quick motion. A gasp filled the air, but Daniel couldn’t see her face hidden behind the door. He smiled at her apparent shock. She closed the doors quickly and then moved around him, facing the rack where he’d hung plastic bags of rope, floggers were also arranged in a neat row. She flicked the fronds of a lash with her middle finger and he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from revealing his amusement at her innocence. Pivoting toward him, she attempted a smile. Daniel would give anything to hear her thoughts, but he’d have to wait until she decided to share them.

  Alyx reached up and hit one of the shackles hanging from the ceiling. It swung back and forth, a pendulum singing a silent sexy song.

  She’d completed her trip around his world. Well, his former world. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been in here and had spent a good part of the day getting it in shape. Cobwebs might add to the atmosphere of a dungeon, but not here.

  “Any questions?”

  “Too many, so I’ll take your advice and stop overthinking this.”

  “Good girl.” Daniel got to his feet and beckoned Alyx forward with a crook of his finger. “Come here, little one.” Terror flashed across her lovely face. Oh yes, he was the spider luring her into his web and she knew it.

  She padded toward him slowly, like a prisoner walking to her execution. He held her by her upper arms and fixed his eyes squarely on her face. “We will start with protocol, Alyx. There are three basic positions you must learn and be able to execute without thinking: the inspection position, the slave position and the surrender position.”

  Alyx’s face crumpled. “I really don’t like that word.”

  “Which word?”

  “Give me a break. You know which word.”

  Well, he wasn’t quite sure. His best guess would be either slave or surrender. If she hadn’t been a law enforcement agent he might have overlooked the word surrender. “Alyx, it’s important we have open and explicit communication, so please make sure you express yourself clearly when I ask. This is not the place for miscommunication. You could get hurt.”

  “Fine, I get it. The word slave, I hate the word slave.”

  “Trust me, I fully understand that, but you need to realize the word has a very different meaning in the lifestyle. It’s a loving relationship, and one a woman chooses, not one forced upon her. Some women want their Dom to make all their decisions for them, from what they eat to what they wear. They find it very liberating, which of course sounds distinctly like an oxymoron. Many women who choose the slave lifestyle are powerful and dominant in their careers. I could name several who would surprise you, but once they are home with their Dom, they enjoy the freedom of letting someone else be in charge.”

  Bewilderment expanded Alyx’s countenance. “Have you ever had a slave?”

  “No, Alyx, that’s not a relationship I’m interested in. Truthfully, it’s way too much responsibility. My job is intense enough and riddled with important decisions on a daily basis. I don’t need to come home to a woman who needs me to tell her what to do.”

  “But, isn’t that what you’re expecting from me?”

  “That’s only so you can play the part at the club and to get you used to obeying. I wouldn’t expect that if we were in a real relationship.”


  Daniel pondered this for a second. A real relationship with Alyx? She was so fucking hot.

  “All right, let’s move on or we’ll be in here until sunrise. The inspection position. You will do it with clothes on first.” Daniel grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her closer. “St
and tall, shoulders squared, chin up, eyes down.” He waited as she got her body into position. “Good girl. Now lace your fingers behind your neck, elbows out straight.” She glimpsed up at him. “Eyes down,” he corrected her. “Now spread your legs, put your feet a little past your shoulders.” She complied and he stepped back and shifted to her side, checking the planes of her body. The position pushed her magnificent breasts out and up. Gorgeous.

  “Perfect,” he said, and she exhaled. “Some Doms prefer your hands clasped behind your back, but this way is acceptable without earning you a punishment. Your Dom will correct you if he has a different preference. While in a scene, as we are now, you are not allowed to speak to me unless I ask you a specific question. Your response shall be either ‘Yes, Sir’ or ‘No, Sir.’ Only say more if I ask you to explain yourself. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, staring up at him.

  “Ah, there you go again. In the inspection position, you need to keep your eyes to the floor unless I give the command, ‘eyes on me.’ Now I will explain the use of punishment to teach you compliance with my commands.”

  Her eyebrows scrunched together.

  “Punishment comes in many varieties and differing levels. Sometimes humiliation is used at the club, in the form of openly displaying a naked sub for all to view. At the club you will see many subs without clothing, some on leashes attached to collars and couples engaged in open sexual practices. You need to be prepared for that.”

  Fright distorted Alyx’s lovely face and made his stomach clench. He didn’t want to freak her out, but she needed to be prepared for anything, everything. Perhaps he should bring her one night before her debut to acquaint her with the intensity of the festivities. He had no idea whether she’d entered the club at the front door or through Jack’s private entrance. Either way, he doubted she’d gotten the opportunity to experience the club in full swing, which probably would have put her off this mission in a New York minute. Maybe that would’ve been a good thing. He still had serious reservations about putting an S&M neophyte in the hands of these sadists for any period of time, even a trained agent like Alyx.

  “You look absolutely terrified, Alyx. Let me put your mind at ease about my use of punishment. I’m not into humiliating a woman, nor am I into excessive pain, although some women are seriously into pain. I usually use spanking, and truthfully, most of my subs have found it to be stimulating to the point of orgasm, so I’m not sure how effective it is as punishment. I consider it more of a reminder than actual punishment. So, you might actually enjoy it.” Most likely she wouldn’t believe him until he forced her there, and tonight wasn’t the night. “And, while we are on the subject of punishment this is probably a good time to introduce safe words.” Her eyes widened. “Again, if you did your research I assume you know what those are.”


  He barked, “Yes, what?”

  Alyx hesitated then managed to blurt out, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Your safe words will be yellow and red. When do you use your safe words?”

  “I say yellow if something is becoming too intense or too painful, and you’ll slow down. If I say red, then you stop immediately, Sir.”

  “Correct. I don’t anticipate you’ll need them with me, but you may need them at the club if you’re with a Dom you don’t know very well. The club safe words are the same, yellow and red. If you say red then everything stops immediately and your Dom will sit and talk with you about your limits. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said too quietly.

  “Since we’re mostly role-playing here and I don’t know you very well, I may ask you for a color to be sure I’m reading your response correctly. So if I ask, respond with green meaning you’re okay, yellow if you’re becoming uncomfortable or red, for stop right this second. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now, I’ll forgo the punishment tonight, but know that you’ve already earned five swats on your ass with my hand for forgetting to keep your eyes down and not addressing me by my title. Something to look forward to tomorrow.” He arched his eyebrows in anticipation, then said, “What do you say to me, Alyx?” This was killing him. How would he ever get her through this? Striking a healthy balance between keeping her calm and keeping her on edge was going to be a serious challenge.

  Alyx opened her mouth, but no words crossed her lovely pink lips. He wanted to ravage those lips, and he fully intended to speed this up so he could get there.

  At length, she muttered, “Uh, thank you, Sir?”

  “Good girl. Next we’ll do the slave position, again with clothes on for now. Kneel at my feet.”

  He gave a gentle push atop her shoulders and she dropped her elbows and sunk to the floor, much more gracefully than he’d anticipated.

  “Good. Now, sit back on your heels, then chin up, eyes down, back straight, like before.” He waited while she conformed. “Excellent. Now spread your knees apart, farther than your shoulders.” She opened her legs partway and he put his bare foot between her knees and shifted them farther out. “That’s it. Now, place your upturned palms on your thighs.”

  Perfect posture, and he wondered if she would learn everything this quickly. Many subs he’d trained over the years were clumsy and awkward, but Alyx moved with the grace of a dancer. He wondered if perhaps she was, or, more likely, she’d had intense martial arts training. Once he got her into his gym, he’d find out what skills she possessed.

  He squatted so they were eye level. “Eyes on me,” he said softly. Alyx’s cool blue eyes drifted upward until they found his. “Excellent, Alyx, you’ve done well so far. Now, the last position is the surrender position.”

  “I don’t think I like the word surrender either, it’s for criminals or prisoners.”

  “You are my prisoner now, aren’t you? And for the entire week, I might add.” Okay, she’d engaged him in conversation, breaking the rules. Again. He needed to shut this down, and fast.

  “The surrender position,” he reminded her. “Lay your upper body over your thighs and place your forehead on the floor, clasp your hands behind your neck like before.”

  Alyx’s vision flared. “Come on. You’ve got to be kidding me. Women actually do this shit?” She bit her lip after the outburst. Then added, “Sir.”

  Daniel didn’t allow himself to scoff at her impudence. But she was seriously trying his patience. He rubbed his face with his hand and sighed. What had happened to his Dom personality? He was seriously out of practice.

  “You. Do. Not. Have. Permission. To. Speak. And you’ve earned yourself five more swats for tomorrow’s spanking. Now, put your fucking forehead on the floor, Alyx.” Patience, patience… he reminded himself. He never got angry at a sub.

  Alyx set her jaw, grabbed her long mane of hair and flung it over her shoulder and landed her head on the floor. Under her breath, he thought she said, “Fuck.”

  Time to step it up, she was way too comfortable and he needed to amp her anxiety or he’d never get her anywhere tonight. He thought this would be fun and a bit of a challenge, but now he realized this might be a long week, too long. He decided to leave her there for a few minutes, hoping to get her into the right frame of mind.

  After watching the clock for a full minute, he barked, “Sit up. Time to lose the clothes.” Her sharp intake of breath echoed across the room. He’d gotten her attention. He offered his hands and jerked her to a standing position. Her eyes fell to the floor. He laughed inwardly at her abrupt bashfulness, she’d been so eager to keep eye contact before, but now when he expected it, she chose to avert her gaze.

  “Eyes on me,” he snapped. Her eyes lifted and he beheld nervousness. “Hands over your head,” he commanded. She threw them in the air and he grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it quickly over her head. She gasped.

  * * *

  The room felt too warm. Alyx swore her heart would burst out of her chest and hit the prominent heart surgeon in his incredibly handsome face. How a

  She thought she had things under control until he’d gone all mean and scary on her. She wondered if he could sense her arousal. Standing before this unbelievably sexy man, clad only in her underwear, was a huge turn-on. His naked chest looked delicious and she wanted to run her fingers over those sculpted pecs and rock-hard shoulders. If she didn’t know better she’d have thought him a personal trainer rather than a heart surgeon. She wanted to jump on him, tear his flimsy pants off and fuck his goddamned brains out. But, that would definitely be topping from the bottom and would likely earn her a major punishment. She had to admit the idea of the promised spanking had unleashed a slow burn between her legs. How could she have become such a perv in just one day?

  “Turn around,” Daniel ordered. Complying quickly to his command, she focused on the restraining table. She pictured herself sprawled across it, secured and vulnerable, totally at the mercy of a Dom. Daniel didn’t immediately touch her as she’d anticipated. Instead he walked to a corner and she stole a glance, but couldn’t see what he was doing. Her heart rate soared. What was he planning to do next?

  Music abruptly filled the room and she recognized it right away. Howie Day, she loved this CD. He padded back to her, his bare feet slapping lightly along the hardwood. His body close, his warmth on her back as he moved to her bra clasp, unhooking it in one quick move. His hands slid up her back, over her shoulders, and the straps drifted down her arms, her bra vanishing from sight.

  “Breathe, Alyx,” he whispered near her ear. She hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath, and exhaled slowly. “That’s my girl.” His fingers moved over her arms in a comforting gesture. He gently massaged her shoulders, then let his hands drift to her sides. Slipping his index fingers into her panties’ elastic, he slid them slowly down her legs. “Step out,” he said, crouching behind her.

  Making the same motion up and down the sides of her legs, he rose, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his body. His smattering of chest hair prickled her naked back. She couldn’t breathe, even if he ordered her to. With one hand, he grabbed her hair and twisted it over her shoulder then tugged on it, pulling her head to one side and exposing the soft flesh of her neck. His warm lips grazed over her skin and she struggled not to moan. He grasped her chin in his firm grip and kissed her mouth gently then nipped at her bottom lip before plunging his tongue inside. She tried unsuccessfully to stifle another moan. She shouldn’t be enjoying this so much. Yet the thrill of anticipation over what awaited had her pulse pounding. And oh, her whirling mind.