UnSub Page 4
“Just as I suspected,” Daniel said. “You’re overthinking things already. We’re going to have to switch that brain of yours off if you’re going to get into the proper mindset.”
Switch her brain off? Had she landed in Dr. Frankenstein’s lab? Did he plan on giving her a lobotomy? He was a heart surgeon, not a brain surgeon.
“Care for a glass of wine?”
Oh, God, yes. She needed alcohol. “Please,” she said, demurely, hoping to mask the trepidation in her voice. Daniel rose and gently touched her elbow, ushering her out of the oversized living room and into the kitchen.
“Have you eaten?”
“Yes,” she lied. When Matt showed up unexpectedly, she’d totally forgotten about dinner. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. Whatever, maybe she’d lose a few pounds this week, what with all the physical exertion she’d be putting forth, and working out in his gym. Definitely a positive sidebar to this ridiculous situation.
He opened the professional-grade refrigerator and selected a bottle of chardonnay, a label Alyx didn’t recognize. The corkscrew popped the bottle open and Daniel set it in a bucket with ice, placing it on a tray with two stem-less wine glasses. “Come.” He motioned toward the back of the kitchen. “Let’s sit out on the deck and talk.”
Alyx followed him outside, closing the French doors behind her. Ocean waves crashed onto the shore, reminding her of the years she’d spent on the beaches here. Every summer since she was sixteen she’d guarded this ocean. Growing up, she’d only known the life of a beach lover and surfer. As soon as she and her friends came home from college each semester they immediately made their way to the ocean just to let it know they were back. And before they left, they came to say goodbye. The beach felt like home.
Daniel set the tray on a table next to a cushioned double lounger. Alyx walked to the end of the decking and gazed at the black sea, the white froth of the cresting waves contrasting sharply against the backdrop of the dark night. The ocean acted calm, the complete opposite of her mood.
“I grew up on this ocean,” she said.
“You did? I had no idea. I assumed you were a city girl.” Daniel came and stood beside her and handed her a glass.
“Thank you.” She sipped the cool, crisp wine. Perhaps she could fantasize this into something that would get her through the week without being totally traumatized. Maybe.
“I grew up in Westhampton Beach. I lifeguarded every summer in high school and college.”
“So, you were serious the other night? You really are a certified lifeguard?” Alyx frowned, but didn’t cast any aspersions his way as he continued, “I’m impressed, being an ocean guard is no easy feat. Did you make many saves?”
“Enough. It’s funny though. I can barely remember the people I saved, but the one I didn’t is burned in my mind as if it were yesterday.” Daniel stared at her.
“I’m sorry. That must have been awful.”
“It was three people. All from out of town, out of the country, actually. Three young Asian men. There was a serious rip current that day and we had signs up prohibiting swimming. But they were out of the supervised area. When we heard trouble, three of us went to find them, but too late. I was only seventeen and I took it really hard. We all did. We used a human chain outside the breakers to search for the bodies. We found them. I’ll never forget what their faces looked like as we laid them out on the sand.”
“I know how that feels. I, too, don’t remember the ones I’ve saved as much as the ones I’ve lost.” Daniel’s arm pressed against her shoulder and his body heat surged through her. She cringed at what would follow and her spine shivered. And yet, something inside her burned a little too warm. Already, she knew this would be a long week. Really, really long.
“Are you cold, or maybe afraid?” he said in response to her obvious shudder.
“Neither.” His handsome face distracted her. This wasn’t going anything like she thought. “Where did you grow up?” she said, hoping to shift the focus off her.
“Right here, in Hampton Shores.”
“In this house?”
“No. I bought this house and renovated it. We lived closer to town. My parents aren’t really fans of the beach, which is absurd since this is an ocean community.”
Alyx felt off-center. Was this the same man she’d met the other night? The one who acted so pompous and bossy? Surprisingly, he seemed sort of kind and compassionate, like he could be a friend. Stop it. Alyx. You’re working overtime on some delusion. Stop now before you get yourself into serious trouble.
“So,” Daniel said, interrupting her ridiculous thoughts. “Why don’t we sit and negotiate our arrangement?” He escorted Alyx over to the lounger by her hand. His touch surprised her, like he was already in charge. Well, duh. Of course, he was.
Alyx sat and leaned against the beige cushion, her feet splayed in front of her. This chair was the size of her bed. Daniel settled in alongside her. She peered up at the starlit sky and held her breath. This felt entirely too romantic for what she’d envisioned. Exhaling slowly, she took a long draught on her wine and settled the glass on the side table. She sucked in a deep breath and held it again.
“Breathe,” Daniel said. She turned her head and he was staring at her. “In and out, slowly.”
Like sex? She thought. Well, maybe not all that slowly. This would be fucking he had in mind. Hard and fast, well, maybe not so fast. She’d have to fake her orgasms, if he was expecting that. That’s if he even cared, which he probably didn’t.
“Let’s start with the basics.” Daniel sat up and faced her, his legs crisscrossed. “Your experience. How many men have you been with?” His expression seemed way too serious and she couldn’t hide her shock.
“What does ‘been with’ constitute?”
“It means whatever you want it to mean.”
Alyx retrieved her wine glass and took a sip. “Five,” she announced, “one high school boyfriend, two in college and two after that. No sex with the high school guy, yes with the others.”
“And what do you mean by sex?” he said too casually.
“What do you think I mean?” The sound of her voice made her flinch, too screechy.
“Look, sex is a very broad term and easily misunderstood if two people aren’t thinking along the same lines. So, I’ll make it easy, I’ll give you a checklist and you simply say yes or no.” Daniel seemed as if he was trying not to laugh at her. Anger rose in her chest.
“Fine.” She huffed.
“Okay, I assume we can check off vaginal sex.”
“Oral sex? Given?”
“Yes. Although, I’ve been told I’m not that good at it.” Holy shit. Did she really say that?
Daniel chuckled, but didn’t comment. “Swallow semen?”
Geez. “Yeah, a few times, can’t say I loved it.” God, she’d never get through this part, so how would she get through the real live stuff?
“Oral sex, received?”
“Yes.” Cold sweat started to collect on the back of her neck. Her mouth had gone dry and she slugged down another gulp of alcohol.
“Anal sex?”
“Good God, no.” Well, she’d definitely said that out loud. Another swig.
A V formed between Daniel’s brows, but it didn’t appear like he was really annoyed, but sort of, bemused. “Okay, but you’ll never get by in the club with that attitude. That’s something we’ll need to address right away.”
Another gulp. No way was she letting anyone in her back door. She’d have to figure out some way around that. She drained her glass.
“When’s your period due?”
The change in direction caught Alyx off guard. Well, he was a doctor, but really? He wasn’t her doctor. “Why is that important? I don’t have my period this week, you’re safe.”
He laughed. She didn’t think she’d said anything even remotely funny. “No, it doesn’t bother me sexually, I’m concerned abo
ut birth control.”
“You needn’t worry about that, I’m very responsible.” This line of questioning had started to bother her. She wasn’t a sixteen-year-old. She’d never taken chances when it came to birth control. The first time, well, not really prepared and her boyfriend had used the pullout method. Not exactly full proof, but the one and only time she’d had sex without taking precautions. She wasn’t a risk-taker in that department. Ever.
“Okay, I’ve heard that before. What are you using?” Daniel inquired, sounding way too much like an M.D.
“I’m on the pill.”
“And you have them with you?”
Shit. Did she remember to bring them?
“I don’t like that expression on you face. What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure I packed them.” Alyx chewed on her finger, then remembering her new manicure, abruptly dropped her hand. She thought for a minute, retracing her packing sequence. Dr. Taylor’s expression made her anxious. She remembered grabbing them along with her toothpaste and toothbrush. “I’m pretty sure I have them.”
“If not, I can manage a prescription for an emergency refill if necessary.” Daniel leaned his chin on his hands and added, “So, since our medical forms certify us healthy and you’re protected, then condoms are optional. Your choice." He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly, waiting for her response.
This was so weird, like negotiating a business deal. Well, she was at work, so that wasn’t particularly farfetched. Truthfully, she hated condoms, and she figured if she did, then she could most assuredly understand how a guy would detest them. “No condom.”
“Excellent,” he said, a little too enthusiastically. “Let’s continue. Since you’ve never been a participant in the lifestyle, I take it you have no experience with any of the other practices. You claim you did your homework so I’ll assume you’re familiar with many of the things I’m referring to.”
“I guess so. But I only need to learn enough to get by at the club, so let’s not overdo it,” Alyx said, hoping he might show some restraint. Restraint? She better not say that out loud.
“Have you ever used restraints? Played any bondage games with your boyfriends?”
Shit. Was he reading her mind? “A little,” she offered. “With boyfriends three and five.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Mostly.” Well, not with Jason, he’d gotten too carried away with the idea of making her his prisoner.
“That doesn’t sound particularly convincing, Alyx.” Daniel reached across her, brushing over her breasts and plucked the bottle of wine from its icy nest. “Hold out your glass,” he ordered.
Alyx realized she’d downed her wine too quickly. “I’m not sure I should drink anymore.”
“Trust me, Alyx, you’re going to need a second glass for what I have in mind.” Her pulse rate sped up and she swore he’d hear her heart pounding. He poured the chilled Chardonnay into her glass and she struggled to keep her hand from trembling. Although she wasn’t exactly sure it was fear having this effect on her.
“Now, explain to me about the bondage experience that went bad.”
“Uh, my last boyfriend, Jason, he tied me up and, well, I never should have let him. He’d been drinking and when I changed my mind we argued and he huffed out of the bedroom and passed out on the living room couch. It took me a while, but I eventually freed myself and, well, I kicked his ass to the curb.”
“Good girl. But just so we are clear, rule number one in bondage play is that a Dom never, and I’ll repeat that, never, leaves his sub unattended when she’s bound. Not even for a split-second.”
“Safety first?” Alyx said, trying to lighten the mood. She couldn’t believe what a totally different person this man was from the one she met at the club. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or would that be Dr. Hyde?
“Absolutely. The motto should always be: Safe, Sane and Consensual.” He flashed a zillion-mega-watt-smile at her and a wave of heat ignited her skin. God, he sure was a looker.
* * *
Daniel placed the tray with the empty wine bottle and glasses on the kitchen counter. He led Alyx out of the kitchen by her hand, flicking the lights off on the way out. Her petite hand felt cold in his and he laced his fingers through hers, holding her firmly, fearful she’d run out the front door.
“I’ll show you to your room and give you a few minutes to settle in.” Daniel glanced back at her face as he tugged her up the staircase. Damn, he still couldn’t read her. Why was she such an enigma? She seemed too calm, but every once in a while something dark flashed across her face and he couldn’t decide what it was. Fear? Anger? Loathing? Maybe she really despised him. He had acted like a total ass in Jack’s office, letting his anger get the better of him. And she’d just told him about a bad experience with an old beau who had anger issues. He never let anger find its way into a scene with a submissive. However, he didn’t like being challenged by anyone, especially not her. And it wasn’t because she was a woman. He had great respect for women. Both his mother and sister were accomplished professionals, his mother a prominent psychiatrist and his sister owned her own investment firm. And he didn’t degrade women. He was in awe of them and definitely considered them the stronger of the sexes. It was just this woman who unnerved him for some reason. Perhaps because she wielded a gun?
Daniel opened the door to the green bedroom. He always identified a room by its dominating color. Sometimes he thought it made him sound like an asshole, too much like a rich bastard, but he couldn’t seem to break the habit. His hand touched the small of her back and nudged her inside. “Whenever you come in here and close the door I’ll assume you want to be left alone. On the other hand, you can’t hide in here either.” He grabbed her upper arm and made her face him. “I’ll outline our arrangement in more detail at breakfast, but for now, you may have free time from noon until four to do as you wish, although you may not leave the premises. The remainder of time you will be under my control and I will do with you as I see fit.” Her azure eyes blazed and he braced himself for her refusal.
“I didn’t sign up to be a slave,” she said, her voice almost a growl.
“Actually, you did. As my submissive I say what you eat, what you wear, when you sleep and when you can have free time. From my vantage point that is your biggest problem, Alyx, following orders. I need to break you of that as fast as I can. There can be no topping from the bottom. If you do that for even a single second at the club they’ll know you’re a fraud. Do you know what I mean by that?”
“I read about it. As the Dom, you’re the top, and as the sub, I’m the bottom. If I tell you what to do in a scene, then I would be ‘topping from the bottom’.”
“Exactly,” Daniel said. She grinned, proud of herself, he thought, and he felt calmer than he did when she arrived. “I’ll return for you in fifteen minutes and we’ll get started. Take care of whatever you need to in the bathroom. Lose the jeans. You can leave the tee shirt and underwear on for now.” He smirked at her shocked expression, then walked out and shut the door. His smile broadened. She was fucking adorable.
In his bedroom, he shrugged out of his clothing and pulled on a pair of black cotton pajama bottoms. He brushed his teeth, gargled with mouthwash, ran a brush through his hair and then studied his face in the mirror. His blood rushed with excitement. He did crave training new submissives. Pure innocence in his hands; so pliable, nervous. He leaned on the counter and fretted. Maybe those adjectives didn’t really apply to Alyx. He had to keep reminding himself she wasn’t a real submissive, but instead, a well-trained FBI agent used to making others follow her orders. She restrained people for a living, handcuffs one of the tools of her trade. Worry struck him. He hadn’t considered all the ramifications of her law enforcement training—the complete opposite of being a submissive. Shit, half the Doms he knew were cops, even the women Dommes. Could he really break her? Bend her to his will? His heart rate increased. Did he want to?
Returning to her be
droom door, he knocked twice but didn’t wait for a response and entered. She sat in the bed’s middle, her legs crossed, her fingers toying with the hem of her pink tee. She looked pretty in pink; he’d have to remember that. The crotch of her black panties taunted him and he couldn’t wait to get them off her.
Unsettled by her annoyed expression, “Ready?” he said cheerfully, hoping to bring her mood around to something more pleasant. She bit her lip and seemed to consider her response.
“As I’ll ever be, I guess.” He put out his hand for her and she scooted off the bed and accepted it. They walked toward the hallway’s end, to an unseen door across from his master bedroom. Daniel pressed against the seam in the right-hand corner and the secret entrance sprung open to reveal another staircase.
“Secret torture chamber?” Alyx mumbled, her eyes as large as light-bulbs.
“Something like that,” he said, flashing her a wicked grin. Daniel flicked on the light and led her up to the third floor and into an enormous square-shaped room. The wall overlooking the ocean was composed entirely of glass and shielded from the outside by a series of slatted bamboo blinds. Daniel let go of Alyx’s hand and walked over to raise the shades. The starlit night sky came into view like the background in a science fiction movie: astronauts rocketing their ship through outer space. He turned toward Alyx but she wasn’t checking out the panorama. Her wide eyes surveyed the array of equipment. He waited for her to adjust to the surroundings.
“So, it’s not a dungeon. Good,” she said and then sighed mightily.
“Dungeons aren’t my style.”
“Something tells me I wouldn’t like a dungeon.”
“And how do you feel about this room? I call it the rec room.”
“Do you spell that with a W or an R?” Alyx seemed bemused, but trepidation vexed her voice.
Daniel’s throat rumbled with laughter. “I would say with an R, but the other word will also work. We’ll have fun but you might also be wrecked by the time I let you out.” He arched his eyebrows threateningly.